Dallas Mythbusters

Dallas MythbustersSay Yes To Dallas
The Dallas Region’s population increases by an average of about 200 people each day. Some of these folks might arrive with a few erroneous, preconceived notions in their heads. That’s why the “Say Yes to Dallas” team morphed into an urban-legend wrecking crew to fill the vacuum of misperceptions with solid, hard-earned intel. Without further adieu:
Myth: If you’re not from here, you won’t fit in
Dallas residents go entire days without speaking to native Dallasites. Seems nearly everyone here is from somewhere else. Our region is made up of people from across the globe, each of whom bring their experiences to Dallas and in turn, help our culture continue to evolve. While you’re sure to find people from your hometown, you’ll also find people (locals or not) ready to welcome you with open arms. Dallas is about combining the best of everything, no matter the point of origin. Dive into our blog for exclusive insights on the vibrant communities and events around the Dallas Region.
Myth: We have no bodies of water.
Don’t tell that to the Dallas Rowing Club, the kayakers on the Grapevine Lake Paddling Trail or the water skiers on Lewisville Lake. While it’s true that Texas has few natural lakes (among them being Caddo Lake, which we share with Louisiana), visitors who fly into Dallas can observe numerous streams, creeks and lakes across our landscape. In fact, there are more than a dozen lakes and reservoirs in North Texas, most of which allow boating, fishing and other water sports. Major lakes – including Lake Ray Roberts, White Rock Lake and Lewisville Lake – offer amenities like marinas, restaurants, boat rentals and boat launches. Combine beach access and waterfront dining at Lake Ray Hubbard, and you’ll see that there’s more to Dallas’ topography than just land. Jump in to one of our lakes >
Myth: We’re all about oil and gas
When some people hear the words “Dallas, Texas,” images of big hair, belt buckles and oil derricks spontaneously pop into their heads. Though energy is an important part of our economy, it’s far from the only trick in our bag. Moody’s Diversity Index ranks the Dallas Region as having the fourth-most diverse economy in the United States. A growing number of corporate relocations have created even stronger demands for skilled workers. Jobs have been created by corporate relocations and expansions, such as the opening of Toyota’s North American headquarters in Plano and the construction of the Charles Schwab campus in Westlake. Check out open jobs here >
Myth: Dallas is filled with cowboys
Though you’ll hear some “y’alls” and “fixin’ to’s,” you’ll also hear dozens of languages here in the Dallas Melting Pot. Nearly 20 percent of the residents in the Dallas Region are foreign-born. As sure as we have rodeos and chili cook-offs, we also have festivals celebrating the cultures of India, Africa and Mexico.
Myth: We want barbecue, the whole barbecue, and nothing but the barbecue
People who spend time in the Dallas Region are surprised by the diversity of dining options Dallas offers. This comes as no surprise, given the diversity of its people. Dallas’ variety of restaurants – Ethiopian sit-down restaurants, Mediterranean cafes, kebab houses, and even German bier stubs – shakes the notion that dining in Dallas involves a date with a herd animal. And if you think vegans can’t find something Dallas, think again. VegNews named Dallas the eight best vegan city in the United States based on the criteria of food, fashion, and culture.
That being said, we do have some of the best BBQ joints around and their quality and variety have exploded around here, and to the victors (us) go the spoils.
Myth: Things move slower around here
Few assumptions are further from the truth. While Dallas doesn’t have the hustle and bustle of NYC, there’s a whole lot of moving and shaking going on. Most Dallas people are helpful, and as such, the Dallas Region is home to countless high-energy individuals with networking in their blood. Many outsiders pick up on this vibe shortly after arriving. People love getting things done here – from business, entrepreneurial, and philanthropic perspectives – and they’re always looking for others to join in on the action.
Myth: The Cowboys are the only team you’ll have to root for
Once you settle into North Texas, it won’t take long to be sucked into the drama of the professional sports scene here. Contributing to much of this frenzy is that Dallas is home to one of the nation’s top-rated sports radio stations, The Ticket (KTCK-1310 AM/96.7 FM), which stokes the sports-gossip mill with unmatched fervor. The Dallas Cowboys telenovela is a fun distraction for migrants who choose to keep their allegiance to their original team, proudly flying their team flags on their cars and in their homes, and attending sports bars to root for their teams with like-minded fans. A Google search readily identifies sports bars frequented by non-Cowboy teams with strong followings (the New Orleans Saints, the Pittsburgh Steelers, etc.).
Myth: Dallas is isolated from other cities
Dallas is home to one of the nation’s busiest airports (Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport) and to one of the most convenient (Dallas Love Field). Combined, these venues provide the perfect launch pad for a past time we like to call “travel roulette.” Or, perhaps, “random acts of traveling.” Whatever the phrase, this activity involves booking last-second flights out of Dallas to any destination that’s cheapest, or is cheap-yet-highly intriguing. Round-trip flights out of Dallas to Denver, NYC, Las Vegas or even LA are available for less than $150 including tax – less than a night out on the town.
Myth: It’s always hot here
Local blogger Dallas Whisperer says it goes like this: “Rainy Spring” starts in February and continues until the beginning of May. “Pleasant Summer” picks up with clear skies and temps in the 80s or 90s until mid-July. That’s when “Sol” season kicks in through August. “Glorious Fall,” a.k.a. porch weather, hits in September until December, when the “Northers” appear. It’s our version of winter. Out of nowhere, temps instantly drop, and sometimes we even see snow! The Northers disappear as quickly as they come, but pop in sporadically into February. So keep your coats. You’ll need them now and again.